
Hostel Routine of a VJTI Mumbai Student | Nitin Dhiman #vjtimumbai

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Hostel Routine of a VJTI Mumbai Student

Ever wondered what a typical day looks like for a VJTI Mumbai student living in the hostel? Join Nitin Dhiman as he takes you through his daily routine, from waking up to late-night study sessions. Get a glimpse into the vibrant hostel life, the academic pressures, and the fun activities that keep these engineering students going.

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Instagram: instagram.com/nitin__23k?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

My Vlogging Gear-
Iphone 13- www.amazon.in/Apple-iPhone-13-128GB-Starlight/dp/B…

Mackbook Pro M1- www.amazon.in/2022-Apple-MacBook-Laptop-chip/dp/B0…

SanDisk 1TB Extreme Portable SSD - www.amazon.in/SanDisk-Portable-Smartphone-Compatib…

About me - Hey ! I’m Nitin Dhiman , from Himachel Pradesh . I am a student at Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai . On my channel, you will find Vlogs about cars, travel adventure, food and much more . I'm crazy behind cars , and I love to go check each and every car out which ever gets launched in Indian market and I would try to post each and every car that I see on the road subscribe to the channel for good shorts videos and I would be uploading them Almost Everyday- 9:00AM
