
Financial Psychologist Reveals: The Secret To Building Wealth

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Ep 35 - Dr. Brad Klontz is an expert in financial psychology, author, and professor. Today, we sit down to discuss the psychology behind our relationship with money. Dr. Brad helps us define our money traumas and how to deal with them to be able to improve our relationship with money and start our journey to financial freedom.

Get Dr. Brad Klontz's book, Money Mammoth: amzn.to/3MVGrq2

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00:00 - Intro
00:53 - Our early money memories impact our relationship with money
04:03 - Scarcity mindset vs abundance mindset around money: pros and cons
13:39 - Define your money traumas and learn how to overcome them
20:01 - How are most millionaires spending their money?
21:22 - The need to belong, and how that affects our money habits
27:13 - The 3 worst things people are doing with their money
31:39 - The single most important skill to become wealthy
33:35 - Traits wealthy people have in common
38:51 - Can anyone build wealth?
40:30 - Advice around money for anyone in their 20s
46:06 - Debunking money myths
47:52 - The origin of our money trauma
48:45 - Dr. Brad Taught Me
