Moist Zebra Butter Cake Recipe湿润斑马纹牛油蛋糕食谱|双口味原味&巧克力牛油蛋糕Double Flavor Original &Chocolate Butter Cake
♦传统牛油蛋糕食谱Moist Butter Cake recipe: • 传统牛油蛋糕食谱|How to make moist Butter Cak...
♦大理石牛油蛋糕 Marble Butter Cake Recipe双色螺旋牛油蛋糕食谱Two Toned Spiral Butter Cake Recipe: • Marble Butter Cake大理石牛油蛋糕,Two Toned S...
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♦蛋糕食谱Cake Playlist: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-z50Pxpx9Q2bVTdAMyJhfE…
♦ Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/iwen777
♦ Instagram ID: iwen777
♦Oven: Electrolux 72L Built in Oven: c.lazada.com.my/t/c.Y5Zedw?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.l…
♦数码厨房秤网购链接Digital Kitchen Scale Lazada Links: s.lazada.com.my/s.idoP5?cc
好好享受,与我分享你作品的照片在我的Facebook Page上哦。
:-) Enjoy and share photos of your creation with me on my Facebook Page.
父亲节快到了,一起来做斑马纹牛油蛋糕。做法直接,不需分蛋,用了一个面糊来制作两个口味,原味和巧克力口味。加入鸡蛋确保要分次加入,并混合至完全无蛋液再继续加入,高速混合直到顺滑没严重水油分离,这样做出来的面糊非常顺滑光亮。面糊交替颜色裱叠入模具中间,顶部也用竹签画成漂亮花纹。烤好放凉包保鲜膜收冰箱冷却2小时以上,帮助表皮回油更光亮。切开来,内部斑马纹颜色层次分明,超疗愈~ 蛋糕结构绵密湿润却又蓬松有回弹力,不会干硬,满满牛油香和巧克力香,太香了~
Father's Day is coming, let's make Traditional Zebra Butter Cake. The method is direct, no egg separation, use one batter to make two flavors, original and chocolate flavor. When add eggs make sure to add in batches, mix till no egg liquid before continue to add, high speed mixing until smooth without serious water oil separation, so that batter is very smooth and shiny. The batter is stacked in the middle of the mold with alternating colors, top is drawn into beautiful flower patterns using skewer. After baked, let cool, wrap in plastic wrap chill in fridge for more than 2 hours to help surface return oil and become shinier. Cut open, distinct interior zebra pattern color and layers, super therapeutic~ The cake structure is dense and moist, yet fluffy with good spring back, not dry and hard, full of butter and chocolate aroma, so fragrant~
Storage Method: After baked, cool completely, wrap tightly in plastic wrap and chill ordinary fridge for 2 hours/overnight, thaw for 30-45 minutes to room temperature before eating, surface will be shinier, cut section will be prettier neater. Seal airtight store at room temperature for 2 days, thereafter chill in normal fridge, for freshness, eat within 7 days.
♦Ingredients 食材 =7’inch Round Cake Mould 圆蛋糕模 =
=Original Batter 原味面糊=
160g Unsalted Butter (Soften) 无盐牛油 (软化)
160g Caster Sugar 细砂糖
4g Salt 盐
228g Eggs (add one at a time) 鸡蛋(一次加一颗)
5g Vanilla Extract 香草精
180g Low Protein Flour/Cake Flour 低筋面粉
7g Baking Powder 泡打粉
55g Milk 牛奶
11g Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice 鲜榨柠檬汁
=Cocoa Batter 可可面糊=
300g (40%) Original Batter 原味面糊
8g Unsweetened Cocoa Powder 无糖纯可可粉
5g Milk 牛奶
(Preheated Oven 120C: 70min, 160C: 18-20min)
(Top Bottom Heat, No Fan Force, Middle Rack)
(预热烤箱120C: 70分钟, 160C: 18-20分钟)
Artist: Spazz Cardigan
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#ZebraButterCake #ChocolateButterCake #ButterCake #MoistButterCake #MoistTraditionalButterCake #TwoTonedButterCake #DoubleFlavorButterCake #NoEggSeparationMethodButterCake
#斑马纹牛油蛋糕 #巧克力牛油蛋糕 #牛油蛋糕 #湿润牛油蛋糕 #湿润传统牛油蛋糕 #双色牛油蛋糕 #双口味牛油蛋糕 #无分蛋法牛油蛋糕