
living w/ my parents at 29...❤️‍🩹

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having grown up with a lot of judgment and expectations from my Chinese parents, I had mixed feelings about moving back in with them at 29 years old, after quitting my job, with no plans for the future.

however, what could have ended in tears and fights turned out to be a peaceful time to nest, as I realized my parents love my unconditionally, and it should not be taken for granted.

In this vlog, I'll take you through a day in my life living with my parents, and my journey of healing from childhood trauma as well as recent stresses.

i'm so grateful to have a home I can always come back to.

sending love as always. hope you find peace on your healing journey too✨


00:00 intro + morning routine
01:15 first German class!!
02:55 room tour
05:38 finding comfort at home
07:35 healing my relationship with parents
09:52 my therapy routine
10:52 dealing with guilt
14:14 what's next

i quit my job to make content for you full time:)
buy me a coffee here: ko-fi.com/tapiocapress
...so you have more videos to watch, and I don't have to sell my soul to corporate (again)

if you can't afford a coffee, no sweats. like, subscribe, and tell your friends about tapiocapress - these are all huge ways to help💕

💌 RESOURCES (for healing)
the origins of you by Vienna Pharaon - amzn.to/3wc6BAx
the body keeps the score by Bessel van der Kolk - amzn.to/44kJ1OS
no bad parts by Richard Schwartz - amzn.to/3xTWmBw
tara brach - open.spotify.com/show/37McjD0j2cdu4GExcFQgm0
raising good humans - open.spotify.com/show/2NCujIiYYaZ3vI1ZE9VBts
self compassion - self-compassion.org/

last time I spent time w/ parents -    • life in China | reconnecting w/ famil...  
‪@cupofjasmien‬ healing her relationship w/ parents -    • Healing My Relationship with My Paren...  
why i quit my job -    • Quitting My Job Diaries | Building My...  
why i decided to move back in w/ my parents -    • moving back in w/ my parents at 29 📦  

Epidemic Sound (1st month free) share.epidemicsound.com/o2pwcw

🙋🏻‍♀️ HELLO
Hi, I’m Evelyn✨
➭ how old are you? 29 (born in 1994)
➭ where do you live? China (for now), moving to Berlin🇩🇪
➭ what's your MBTI? INFP
➭ what was your job before you quit? consultant/program manager

on this channel I share my life as a recent corporate drop out, going on a journey of growth and self-discovery to (hopefully) figure out what I want to do, and where I want to be. Grateful to have you here:)

FTC: this video is sponsored by Lingoda. some of the links are affiliate links meaning I earn a small commission if you make a purchase through them, but it doesn't cost you any extra. thanks so much for your support!

Edited with Gling AI: bit.ly/46bGeYv

#lingoda #vlog #dayinthelife
