
The Increasing Threats To Earth's Water Supply | Breakthrough

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Explore the critical importance of clean, fresh water for the survival of all 7.2 billion people on Earth, and the increasing threats to our water supplies posed by population growth, climate change, and rising pollution. Major global cities like Cape Town, Cairo, Mexico City, Tokyo, São Paulo, Beijing, Melbourne, and London are facing significant risks of water scarcity. What can be done to protect our water?

Find the full documentary: curiositystream.com/video/2960
Breakthrough, A World Without Water

Hundreds of millions of people around the world could run out of water soon. Experts are desperately searching for solutions to stave off "Day Zero" when the taps will run dry. But the recent discovery of a massive aquifer hidden beneath the U.S. coastline may offer the greatest hope for humanity.

#CuriosityStream #Water #ClimateChange
