
Luka Megurine "Five Nights at Freddy's Song" Cover

83438 1816________

*You are not allowed to use this cover for anything!!!*

Please read the description, Thank you ❤
巡音ルカ「フレディーズで5夜の歌」カバー +vsqx配布
Comments were disabled because I wasn't very happy with some of the comments I was getting, please don't comment nonsense. If you need to ask me a question about this cover/mixing/etc please tweet me at @giraffeykun
Due to issues with redistribution, I'm not longer giving VSQx/UST's publicly. Sorry!
Original Song: The Living Tombstone
5NAF Developer: Scott Cawthon
VSQx/Tuning/Mixing: Me
Luka made by Crypton Future Media
WOW i really like this song! I've never played 5naf but I WANT TO but im too much of a pussy so idk.

but srsly the living tombstone did a super fantastic job on this song (i hope he sees my cover i really hope he does)

I hope you enjoy and good luck if you make a cover!!! You're free to turn this into a UST or any other format, just don't release it without my permission!
