
Hard Truths on Halloween, Tithing, Tongues, Egalitarianism, OT Law and Hedging (Bible Q&A #1)

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What does the Bible really say about spiritual gifts, tithing, the Old Testament law, and controversial church doctrines? In this deep-dive Q&A, we tackle big questions like: Are Christians still bound by the 10 Commandments? Is tithing a biblical obligation? Can churches redeem Halloween? What about female pastors and egalitarianism? Plus, we discuss spiritual warfare, paranormal experiences, and how to defend the Bible’s authority. Whether you're seeking clarity or ready to challenge your own views, this discussion will equip you with biblical truth and practical wisdom. Don't miss it!

This Bible Q&A was recorded live on Jan 26, 2025.

00:00 - When did you become a Christian?
00:43 - What are your thoughts on spiritual gifts? Are you a cessationist?
02:23 - Evangelicals can learn from charismatic churches (A)
02:57 - The New Testament gift of prophecy
04:07 - Evangelicals can learn from charismatic churches (B)
05:14 - The gift of tongues
06:02 - Charismatic and Pentecostals often do not practice the gift of tongues in church biblically
07:40 - What's your view on tithing? Is it optional or obligatory for Christians today?
08:18 - Christians are NOT bound by the Old Covenant
10:18 - What if some Christians consider tithing an obligation from an Old Covenant command? Is it wrong?
12:56 - Pastoral Principle: Allowing for some differing views (secondary doctrine) to exist in the church (but not entrust them to leadership) (A)
14:01 - Why I don't agree in the tripartite view of OT law (civil, ceremonial and moral divisions) (A)
15:04 - Difference between major and minor doctrines
15:40 - Is not tithing a bad sin?
18:05 - How should Christians view the Old Testament Law in view of Jesus' teaching?
18:58 - The Old Testament teaching on the Sabbath
20:06 - Why I don't agree in the tripartite view of OT law (civil, ceremonial and moral divisions) (B)
20:42 - The function of the Old Testament for Christians Today
22:06 - Are the 10 Commandments still binding on Christians today?
24:20 - How important is attending Sunday service?
26:04 - Jesus' own categorization of major and minor laws (Matthew 23:23)
26:51 - Mis-prioritization is not the same as "idolatry" (Tim Keller's concept)
27:53 - How should we understand the conclusions of the Jerusalem Council? (Acts 15:29)
31:33 - Jesus' commands are harder than the OT commands
32:10 - Does the Bible teach that soul and spirit are different aspects of a human?
33:36 - How would you persuade someone of the authority and sufficiency of Scripture without using the Bible?
37:40 - How should a Christian respond to a friend who claims to have experienced paranormal activity?
43:44 - Don't engage in occult activities; that opens you up to demonic oppression
45:14 - Engaging in sin may open you up to demonic oppression (Eph 4:26-27)
46:48 - Is Halloween demonic? Can churches redeem Halloween with evangelism?
47:38 - The difference in demonism in the West vs. in other countries
54:49 - 1 Cor 8, 10 as the basis to weighing the Halloween question
57:20 - Pastoral Principle: Allowing for some differing views (secondary doctrine) to exist in the church (but not entrust them to leadership) (B)
57:53 - Secondary doctrinal convictions will affect a church organically at the leadership level
1:00:40 - There are 2 ways that our children can stumble (too liberal or too restrictive) (A)
1:01:44 - Better proposal than generalization; study Scripture carefully and apply it specifically to every different situation in our lives (individually and corporately)
1:03:12 - There are 2 ways that our children can stumble (too liberal or too restrictive) (B)
1:09:29 - Stick to the Bible rather than ultra-conservatism or worldliness (due to pragmatism)
1:09:51 - Pastoral principle: Don't appeal to Power, but appeal to truth (and let congregants decide)
1:10:23 - The problem with the "slipper slope" argument
1:12:22 - How major and minor doctrine are applied different in the life of the church
1:14:18 - Are all movies with sexual or violent content sinful?
1:16:05 - Why "hedging" (creating protective moral rules beyond Scripture) is harmful, why youth leave church unnecessarily
1:16:32 - How would you respond to someone who thinks that 1 Tim 2:12 is only due to cultural issues of that day?
1:17:04 - What is egalitarianism?
1:20:06 - Is a church "liberal" because it allows for female pastors?
1:23:06 - Do you hold to inerrancy or infallibility of Scripture?
1:26:39 - The Bible itself supports the goodness of (accurate) Bible translation for Christian usage
1:29:23 - Do we have the original Bible today? (cf. Textual Criticism)
