
Prabhakar More on Hasya Jatra , Comedy, आणि Life Lessons | Marathi Podcast | Ayush Patil Talks

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Namashkar Dekhnewalon 🙏

🎙 In this special podcast episode, I’m having an amazing and inspiring conversation with our beloved actor from Hasya Jatra, Prabhakar More!

Hasya Jatra चा प्रवास, यश-अपयशाचे अनुभव, आणि जीवनातील महत्त्वाचे धडे – या सगळ्या गोष्टींवर त्यांनी मनमोकळेपणाने आपले विचार मांडले आहेत. His stories from life will surely inspire you and make you think deeply.

📌 Don’t miss out on the full podcast to know how the hard work behind comedy and the small moments in life transform into big lessons.

🔔 If you liked it, make sure to like, share, and subscribe! And don’t forget to drop your thoughts in the comments. 💬

You can also follow me on Instagram: @ayush_patil13

Prabhakar More, Hasya Jatra, Marathi Podcast 2025, Prabhakar More Hasya Jatra, हस्यजत्राचे तारे, Success Stories Marathi, Prabhakar More Journey, Marathi Comedy Stars, Inspiring Marathi Content, Hasya Jatra Fame, Motivational Marathi Stories, Podcast In Marathi, Marathi Entertainment 2025

#प्रभाकरमोरे #hasyajatra #maharashtrachihasyjatra #हस्यजत्रा #MarathiPodcast2025 #PrabhakarMoreHasyaJatra #SuccessStoriesMarathi #PrabhakarMoreJourney #HasyaJatraFame #MarathiComedyStars #MotivationalMarathiStories #PodcastInMarathi #MarathiEntertainment2025 #InspiringMarathiContent #HasyaJatraMoments

Video/Image Credits :
Sony Marathi channel ​⁠ ​⁠‪@SonyMarathi‬
Maharashtrachi Hasyajatra

0:00 - Teaser
0:46 - Start
2:30 - Hasyajatra during Covid
4:28 - Life before and after Hasyajatra
6:52 - Why acting ?
9:23 - Reflecting back on life
11:23 - Favourite Hasyajatra Skit
12:46 - Favourite Hasyajatra Co-actor
14:35 - Hasyajatra Schedule
15:55 - Shivbhumi Farmhouse
17:20 - Upcoming Projects
18:32 - Satisfied in life?
21:48 - Theatre vs Camera Acting
23:18 - Changing needs of audience
25:34 - Commercial Cinema ?
27:04 - Stardom Nowadays
27:45 - Life Learnings
31:13 - Concl
