wHy DiD 90s JDM CaRS oNLy MaKE 276HP?
wHy DiD 90s JDM CaRS oNLy MaKE 276HP? Y'all meme American Cars in the 1970s for making less than 200HP with their engines, but 20 years later, Japan really out here doing the same thing, with cars making less than 300HP with their TWIN TURBOCHARGED cars.
Except...JK! Turns out it's for the same reason American Cars had to "Sandbag" on their specs, AKA those got dang politicians Bobby! It's always big brother governments fault! Stupid laws always ruin cars! God Dangit Bobby! Somebody needs to teach this Fujiwara kid a lesson!!
Shoutout to the 20 people who read this description and the 5 people who actually get that stupid King of the Hill Meme reference.