
These 11 income streams made me $220,000 in 2024.

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These 11 income streams generated over $220K+ for my business so far in 2024. But here's the plot twist - none of them were really planned! Back in 2016, I was just a freelancer with zero idea that a single skill would eventually build into all of this. So today I'm breaking down how each stream led to the next one, the biggest mistake I see business owners make, the failures, the surprises, the biggest lessons, and yes, even the product that only made $14.

How I Turned My Love of Planning into a 6-Figure Freelance Career: dbmbootcamp.com/free-series/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/mynameisdeya
Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@mynameisdeya_

Notion: affiliate.notion.so/x6hpnitj8hxs
ConvertKit: partners.kit.com/geuczr1nj9ky
Airtable: airtable.com/invite/r/6ozKYtnF
HelloAudio: www.helloaudio.fm/?fpr=deya30
Wise: wise.com/invite/u/deyaa
Thematic: app.hellothematic.com/invite/1E2331AD
Fiverr: www.fiverr.com/pe/xXqk5l4

^ These are affiliate links which means if you use these links and buy something, you pay the same price but I get a bit of sweet kickback for referring you to a tool I love. (I've used most of these tools for years.)

[00:00] intro
[00:32] lesson 1: my income streams journey
[02:39] lesson 2: career capital
[04:39] disclaimer
[05:02] income stream #1
[10:07] income stream #2
[12:40] income stream #3
[14:05] product of shame
[14:25] income stream #4
[15:26] lesson 3: what to focus on
[16:13] income stream #5
[17:19] income stream #6
[18:59] lesson 4: the 80/10 rule
[19:52] income stream #7
[23:05] income stream #8
[24:03] income stream #9
[26:25] my 2025 plan

💕 and as alwayssssss, thanks for hanging out with me today.


Music by Citrus Avenue - Elsewhere Palms - thmatc.co/?l=BDC33B1C
Music by Gil Wanders - Lost / Found - thmatc.co/?l=2B509EEA
Music by Gil Wanders - By The River - thmatc.co/?l=8172FA5B
Music by Citrus Avenue - Quietly the Cat - thmatc.co/?l=E64ED919
