
Real Time Information from Marco Island during a Hurricane: How to Use Zello App Effectively

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For the Marco Island Patriots, the Zello app is a vital tool for communications during a disaster, such as a hurricane. Sherri, a Marco Patriot ZJ, goes over the app with me. Her experience is first hand and she's a calm voice to listen to during a disaster. My experience was that this app was the number one go-to source to find out what is happening at the moment. Usually, it's the people on the ground passing along the information.

It's FREE. Download it BEFORE you need it and connect with the Marco Patriot channel so you'll be ready during a hurricane.

🚨 Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction to the Zello App
00:35 - Meet Sherry, The Voice Behind Zello During Hurricane Ian
01:44 - How to Download and Set Up Zello
02:28 - Zello Etiquette and Tips
03:29 - Real-World Examples of Zello in Action
04:35 - Zello’s Role During Hurricane Ian and Other Emergencies
05:09 - Wrapping Up and Final Thoughts

Thanks to Laura and Jason Haza for the use of their lounge area at Kava Culture Marco Island. https://www.kavaculture.com/marco-island Check out their Non-Alcohol bar with many different flavors of Kava. Coffees and Teas are also their specialties. With WiFi and a super comfortable setting, go hang out there and meet two of the nicest people on Marco. Located in the Marco Town Center.
