
Fastly Stock is a BUY NOW - Here's Why! (FSLY Stock Analysis)

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Fastly Stock is a BUY NOW - Here's Why! (FSLY Stock Analysis!)
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Today I need to talk to you about Fastly - ticker symbol FSLY - and why I think this is one of the best long-term stocks to buy - let's talk about why this is a great investing for beginners stock play.

Fastly is a content delivery network that helps users like you and me view digital content more quickly. They provide security, video delivery, and edge computing services to heavy-hitters like Slack, Airbnb, Spotify, and Stripe just to name a few. Just for a very simplified explanation, edge computing means that Fastly helps companies store their content closer to your location. Rather than downloading a file from a server that’s 2 thousand miles away from you, Fastly will have a copy of that file that may be 50 miles away from you which can speed up downloads and lower latency. In an era where video downloading and streaming is growing, and in a year where that growth took a huge step forward, you can probably see why Fastly is an important part of the future of the Internet.

Fastly Stock Analysis: FSLY just reported earnings yesterday, which saw revenue of $83 million, which beat analyst expectations of $81.8 million. Now, when you look at the data and how content delivery has been changing, it seems clear that the Internet as a whole will look very different in a few years. One of the main changes will be the movement of content and applications closer to you, the user, and there isn’t a faster content or application delivery network than Fastly’s Compute@Edge product.

Is Fastly stock a buy? An investment in Fastly stock is an investment in something that aims to be “better.” In a lot of cases, “better” technology does not always mean “winning” technology. Things like Marketing, branding can sometimes be better markers of projected success for a company in general. But in the case of Fastly analysis, they exist in a space that is entirely based on technical specifications and performance. One edge cloud service is “better” than another simply based on speed, scalability, and security…no one is touching them in these areas. I think this is one of the best stocks to buy now.

0:00 Andru's Portfolio Overview
2:10 Fastly Stock
3:20 What is Fastly?
4:18 Fastly Q4 2020 Earnings
5:08 Fastly Edge Cloud
5:40 How Fastly Fixes Latency
6:24 Fastly Stock Risks

#FASTLY #FLSY #StocksToWatch

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