
If you are born on 8,17,26 then this #réel is #foryou @Astro_parduman #astrologer

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If you are born on 8,17,26 then this #réel is #foryou #number8 is ruled by shani , sign of infinity whatever you think it has the tendency to give you cause u r governed by #infinity so, but when its combined with #number9 #mangal so on one side its secretary one is #judgement so, shani and mangal #combination makes you in #discipline and #goldenrule for #8 #numbers you don’t have to say big things try to be quite n do ur work make sure you dont brag about things & #showoff #bigno #no ,also spend your own money dont borrow from anyone stay in limit and discipline thats how you can make best of this year ,this will give you monetary gains .. #hariom #guruji watch #full #podcast on our #youtube #channel #careersqna
