
It's Always Sunny: The Perfect Anti-Sitcom? – Wisecrack Edition

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Welcome to this Wisecrack Edition on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. If traditional sitcoms are defined by progressive character development, saccharine moralism, and sentimental romance, then It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is unique in how it lampoons each of these tropes and presents us with an ensemble that deliberately avoids any sign of growth. Drawing from pioneering sitcoms like Cheers, Friends, and How I met your Mother, we’ll explore how Always Sunny isn’t just an anti-sitcom, it’s the perfect anti-sitcom.

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Written by: Michael Burns
Directed by: Camille Lecoq
Narrated by: Jared Bauer
Edited by: Mark Potts
Assistant Editor: Andrew Nishimura
Produced by: Jacob Salamon

© 2017 Wisecrack, Inc.
