
Who are the #nagas in #indianmythology? #shorts #mythology

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In #Buddhism, #Hinduism, and #Jainism, the #naga is a semidivine creature that can assume either a human or a cobra's serpentine form. It is a powerful and handsome species that is often beneficial to humans.

The nagas live in Naga Loka or Patala-loka, an underground kingdom that's filled with lavish palaces. Brahma, the creator of the universe, had them placed in nether regions to avoid becoming too populous. He also ordered them to bite the truly evil and those who are destined to die soon.

In #hindu mythology, Shesha, also known as Anantaloka, is believed to be a naga who supports the deity Vishnu. Another notable naga is Vasuki, who was used as a rope to move the cosmic ocean of milk. In modern #Hinduism, the birth of serpents is celebrated during the month of Shravana. Female Naga are known as nagins and are known for their shapeshifting abilities.

Three dynasties, including the ones from India's Northeast, South India's Pallavas, and the Funan family of China, claim to be the descendants of human beings and nagas.
