
Shenmue - iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS Dreamcast Emulator (Flycast)

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Shenmue, running at on the iOS Dreamcast emulator, Flycast, which was installed by side-loading. JIT is enabled and was achieved via JitStreamer-EB.

Device: iPhone 14 Pro Max
iOS: 18.3.1
Flycast: 2.4
MEM Used: 1GB
FPS: 60

Flycast Settings
CPU Mode: Dynarec
SH4 Clock: 200 MHz (Default)
Internal Resolution: 853x480 (Native)
Aspect Ratio: Widescreen
Automatic Frame Skipping: Disabled
Shadows: On
Fog: On
Fix Upscaling Bleeding Edge: On

Download Flycast Emulator
Flycast GitHub: Website: https://github.com/flyinghead/flycast...

Download JitStreamer-EB
Download JitStreamer GitHub: https://github.com/jkcoxson/JitStreamer
JitStreamer SetUp Instructions: https://jkcoxson.com/jitstreamer
