Building an e-Scooter App with React Native and Mapbox
In this tutorial, we will build an e-scooter rental app similar to Lime and Bird using React Native and Mapbox. We'll cover everything from rendering scooters on the map to integrating directions and navigation features. Follow along to create your own ride-sharing app with our detailed step-by-step guide. Ready to ride? Let's get started 🛴🔥
2️⃣ Watch the second part here: youtube.com/live/TRcM3H7qfRI
📄 Project Page: notjust.dev/projects/lime
✅ Checklist: www.notion.so/notjust/Lime-App-95a2987e114e4d4d816…
💻 Source Code: github.com/notJust-dev/Lime-RNMapbox
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📚 This video includes a lot of tools and technologies, providing an excellent opportunity to learn about:
Setting Up the React Native Environment
Installing and Configuring Mapbox
Rendering Scooters on the Map
Adding Navigation and Directions
Implementing Ride Booking Features
Testing and Debugging a React Native app
💡 Have an idea for a future tutorial? Share it on our Idea Board: github.com/orgs/notJust-dev/discussions
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0:00 Intro and Project Overview
4:18 Setting up a new Expo Project
7:28 Installing and setting up RN MapBox
1:03:17 Rendering Markers (scooters) on the map
1:29:03 Implementing Clustering
1:46:05 Showing Directions
2:35:44 Exporting components to Context Providers
3:04:36 Implementing the Bottom Sheet Details
3:41:51 Styled Scotoer details + Geofencing
Disclaimer: This build is for educational purposes only. All views, opinions, and technology choices expressed in this video are my own and do not represent the views, opinions, or technology choices of any entity I have been, am now, or will be affiliated with.
#notjustdev #escooter #reactnative