2019 台北101新年大秀 / TAIPEI 101 New Year’s Fireworks
2019 / #Party101 @ TAIPEI 101 /
台北101以第一人稱視角,勇敢自信地呈現台灣種種風貌,並介紹給全世界知道,這就是我們的寶島。而倒數15秒,更邀請了「交通號誌小綠人」以日常的姿態走路奔跑,一起為台北101跨年大秀,開啟了九大意象的美好 :
1. 全世界都知道的美食天堂台灣
2. 努力打拼的士農工商百姓百業
3. 獨一無二的福爾摩沙地理樣貌
4. 引以為傲的醫療充滿愛與關懷
5. 齒輪象徵著工業科技滾動發展
6. 獨特風土氣候孕育出多樣水果
7. 極珍貴的民主選舉與言論自由
8. 包容著多元信仰讓願望有力量
9. 友善擁抱各個族群展現愛永遠
10. 希望的白鴿終將會帶回橄欖枝
Taipei 101 takes the first person perspective and invites the little green man of traffic signs, bravely and confidently introducing Taiwan to the world. In addition to being a well-deserved international superstar, it is more able to resonate with Taiwanese people in everyday posture.
1. Taiwan is heaven for food connoisseurs.
2. These occupations are the backbone of the Taiwan miracle.
3. : The up bringing of Taiwan’s unique geography.
4. Taiwan’s medical system is filled with love and care, it repeatedly stands out internationally
5. These elements drive the industrial and technological development of Taiwan.
6. A variety of fruits are developed from the unique geography and climate of Taiwan.
7. The Freedom and democracy of Taiwan’s legislation protects the rights of its people.
8. Taiwan promotes diversity and is tolerant of all religions and beliefs.
9. Taiwan is Friendly and diverse, it reaches various groups and displays the power of love.
10. Everything we hope will be like the dove with olive branch, bringing back good news and responds.