
We calculated pi with colliding blocks

69.7万回視聴・高評価数3.4万 34300________

Happy Pi Day 2025 everyone!

Check out Grant's new 3blue1brown video:    • There's more to those colliding block...  

Oh look, it's Steve's excellent channel: youtube.com/stevemould

Sign up for future pi-by-hand videos: forms.gle/w44THpNJ3jWUPqHy6

Massive thanks to Hugh Hunt and everyone in the University of Cambridge Department of Engineering, particularly the legends in the workshop. www.eng.cam.ac.uk/profiles/hemh1

Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. They keep my masses bouncing back and forth. www.patreon.com/standupmaths

At 22:27 I say the Bonn ratio was 1-to-97 but they double checked for me and it was actually 1-to-93, which makes the same point.
Let me know if you spot anything else!

Filming and editing by Alex Genn-Bash
Written and performed by Matt Parker
Extra material by Grant Sanderson
Extra something from Steve Mould
Produced by Nicole Jacobus
Music by Howard Carter
Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson

MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician
