
Ship Launch | 10 Awesome Waves, FAILS and CLOSE CALLS

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Compilation of the best satisfying ship launch videos I recorded including some surprising clips like the amphibious vehicles or the inclined planes at the Elblag Canal. The awesome sideways ship launches take place in Leer, Germany and Westerbroek, The Netherlands. The biggest ship in this video was launched in Flensburg, Germany.

The clips at 2:26 and 8:26 are licensed by Licet Studios (© H. Van Oost / Licet Studios) and by Newsflare.com/gespiel88 respectively.

0:00 - Ship Launch Fail: Rope Snaps 🔗    • Ship Launch Fail: Rope Snaps during l...  
0:32 - Drone view of Cement Carrier NORDEN 🔗    • Ship Launch of Cement Carrier NORDEN ...  
0:56 - Ship Launch Gone Wrong 🔗    • Ship Launch Gone Wrong: SYMPHONY PROV...  
2:26 - Almost KILLED by Ship! (© H. Van Oost / Licet Studios)
2:48 - Big Ferry Ship Launch
4:15 - M3 Amphibious Rig driving into River 🔗    • M3 Amphibious Rig driving into River ...  
5:24 - Scooter Driver vs. Ship Launch 🔗    • Ship Launch vs Scooter Driver | Near ...  
5:46 - Drone view of commercial carrier Nordana Star sliding into water 🔗    • Ship launch NORDANA STAR | Ferus Smit...  
6:04 - Ship Launch in slow motion 🔗    • Ship Launch in slow motion: MV Sympho...  
6:15 - Launch of general cargo ship Egbert Wagenborg 🔗    • Ship Launch EGBERT WAGENBORG (Easy Ma...  
6:29 - GoPro hit by Wave
6:43 - Launch of Arklow Willow in Leer, Germany
7:09 - Launch of Arklow Bay in Westerbroek, The Netherlands 🔗    • Video  
7:29 - Biggest Ship Launch ever at Ferus Smit shipyard in Leer, Germany 🔗    • Stapellauf mit Flutwelle / ship launc...  
7:50 - Amphibious Bus driving into River 🔗    • Amphibious Bus driving into River  
8:09 - Elblag Canal Boat Lift 🔗    • Ships travelling on Land | Elblag Can...  
8:26 - M.V. GREENLAND Launch (Newsflare.com/gespiel88)
8:57 - Slippery Yacht Loading 🔗    • Slippery Yacht Loading / Heavy Haulag...  
9:41 - M3 Amphibious Rig leaving the River

▬ My Equipment ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Camera: Sony A7 III
Lens: Sony FE 24-240 mm
Microphone: Rode VideoMicro
Action Camera: GoPro Hero 7

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HD1080ide wants to entertain you with amazing technology-related documentary videos in the highest possible quality. We show you stunning ship launches, amazing machines, historical trains, unique airplanes, agricultural technology or unexpected places you didn't know existed. In short, everything that has to do with technology and everything else that is interesting.

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