5 Career Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20’s - 30’s, That You’ll Need to Correct Before Your 40’s… | EP12
Hey purpose-seekers, DrB here and thanks for joining me for another episode of Living Each Day on Purpose, where I teach you strategies and give you tools to turn your passion into profit, and grow your influence, income and impact to manifest your purpose-driven life.
Today in this video I am going to talk to you a little bit about “5 Career Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20’s - 30’s, That You’ll Need to Correct Before Your 40’s When Searching for Your Purpose.”
…And just for watching and hanging out with me, I have a gift that’ll help you understand more about how to monetize your hobby or side-hustle and turn it into a profitable business.
So let’s get into it!
If you’re committed to finding for Purpose while finding your career path it can be a challenging journey, especially in your 20's and 30’s when you are still discovering who you are and what you want to do with your life.
It's easy to make mistakes that can impact your career trajectory for years to come. In this video training today, we'll explore five career mistakes that I made in my 20's when searching for my purpose and how you can avoid making the same mistakes.
These are mistakes that I avoided in my 30's once I properly aligned my talents, abilities, gifts, and skills (T.A.G.S.™).
Avoiding these five career mistakes can help you find your true purpose and achieve career success. Take risks, seek mentorship, invest in yourself, network, and be open-minded about your career options. Remember, finding your purpose is a journey, not a destination.
If you have this problem, don't worry. I've helped dozens of 9 to 5’ers solve this exact problem through my courses and my programs. DM me to see if you are someone we can help too.
If this video is helpful and you want more content like this, let me know in the comments. And remember to like, share it and set your notifications so you know when I’m on.
Just for watching and hanging out with me, I have a free gift for you, so here’s the action I want you to take. There’s a link down in the description of this video for a no obligation gift of a Case Study my team put together for purpose seekers, who are 9 to 5’ers seeking to escape the daily grind and start the life they imagine [baingram.com/casestudy].
When you signup to get it, I’ll be in touch with you with more information on finding your purpose. Go ahead and click that link and get your copy now!
Well, that’s it for today my purpose-seeking friends. Thanks for watching. Until next time, continue Living Each Day on Purpose because Purpose Never Quits!. I’ll see you in the next video.
Take care and God bless!
#baingram #purpose #purposedrivenlife #careermistakes #lifelessons