Medieval Island Code Shopping!! *member chats*| Animal Crossing New Horizons
Hello Friends!
Today we are back on our member only island, Eldermere! This island is going to be a medieval village. Today we will be code shopping to find the perfect custom codes to use on this island!
Join the Pumpkin Patch! youtube.com/channel/UCgKHhh0dFD67rvIpsuDwasQ/join
Merch is live!!! Check it out here!! kailey-games-shop.fourthwall.com/
We also recently added Channel Points to our streams! You earn "Pumpkins" by participating in stream and spending time with us! You will also receive points for like goals during stream, points for every 10 likes! You can also receive points for subscribing, becoming a member, gifting memberships, or super chatting (this is all option, no pressure to spend money!!)
here are a few helpful commands
!points will tell you how many pumpkins you have
!heist (points) will allow you to gamble your points, these are available every 10 minutes and have a max amount of 3000 points!
You can also redeem a bunch of fun things on stream, see list below!
!redeem Burn 100 Want to waste 100 points?
!redeem Glasses 500 You can pick which glasses I should wear (only redeem when I am not wearing my normal glasses)
!redeem Headband 500 You can pick which headband I will wear
!redeem Buckethat 500 You can pick which Bucket Hat to wear
!redeem Lights 500 Pick a color for my lights in the background
!redeem Giftavillager 1,000 Pick an item for me to gift 1 of my villagers
!redeem Painting 1,000 You can pick a villager for me to draw on my plaza board
!redeem Dadjoke 1,000 I will tell you a random dad joke
!redeem Redflags 1,000 We will play a round of Red Flags
!redeem Smashorpass 1,000 You can pick a villager to do a Smash or Pass poll for
!redeem Tarotone 1,000 I will give you a 1 card tarot reading
!redeem Wouldyourather 1,000 We will play a round of Would You Rather
!redeem Shoppingtrip 2,000 You can pick out an outfit from Able Sisters
!redeem Changeoutfit 2,000 You can pick any clothes for me to wear
!redeem Poll 2,000 You can pick a poll for chat to help you decide
!redeem Reverse 2,000 I will reverse my joycons for 5 minutes
!redeem Askcollin 2,000 Collin will come on camera to answer your question
!redeem Wheel 2000 Can’t pick a redemption? Let the wheel decide
!redeem board 2,000 I will come to your island and sign your board
!redeem Timeout 3,000 I will put you in timeout for 5 minutes
!redeem Tarotthree 3,000 I will give you a 3 card tarot reading
!redeem Changevillager 5,000 You can pick any villager for me to add to my island
!redeem Pumpkinhat 5,000 I will wear the pumpkin hat
!redeem Pettime 5,000 Collin will bring in one of my pets
!redeem Asmr 5,000 I will whisper for 5 minutes
!redeem Shoutout 5,000 I will create a custom shoutout for when you join chat
!redeem Hhpbuild 5,000 I will stop what I am doing and do a HHP build
!redeem Banaction 10,000 You can pick an action that I am not allowed to perform for 5 minutes
!redeem Banaword 10,000 You can pick a word that I am not allowed to say for 5 minutes
!redeem Giftall 10,000 You can pick out presents for all of my villagers
!redeem Gifted 10,000 I will gift a random membership
!redeem Item 10,000 You can pick an item that I have to use in a build
!redeem Extend 10,000 I will extend stream 30 minutes
!redeem Blind 10,000 I will play for 5 minutes without looking at the screen
!redeem Moodboard 10,000 I will make you a custom mood board for your island
!redeem Islandtour 20,000 I will stop what I am doing and tour your island
!redeem Community 25,000 You can pick the next community challenge/event
!redeem Createnew 25,000 Add a new redemption
!redeem Join 25,000 I will add your character to live on my island
!redeem Cosplay 50,000 You can pick my next cosplay
!redeem Modforaday 50,000 I will add you as a mod for the rest of stream
!redeem 6hourstream 100,000 You unlock our next 6 hour stream (I will still pick the day/time)
!redeem Nexttheme 500,000 You can pick my next island theme
Join The Friend Zone Discord!
If you like the music in this video check out Demon Gummies
Youtube Channel: / @demongummies
Check them out on Spotify ~ open.spotify.com/artist/186Z7...
or SoundCloud :) soundcloud.com/demongummies
Acnh, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, acnh new island, animal crossing new island, acnh custom codes, acnh code shopping, code shopping, animal crossing codes, animal custom codes, acnh medieval island, animal crossing medieval island, acnh castlecore, animal crossing castle, acnh themes, acnh inspiration, acnh ideas,