DEMON is now even MORE BORKEN than ever | Brotato Abyssal Terrors
✵Playlist: • Brotato
Today in Brotato Abyssal Terrors we play Demon, a character we always had a lot of fun with. The premise is quite simple: At the end of the wave, you turn 50% of your Material but divided by 13 into Health, so if you have 260 Material, 130/13=10 Health. The twist is that the character uses Health to buy things in the shop, meaning any other health bonuses you get is money. So if you use the Ghost Scepter that give you bonus health by killing enemies, you not only get money from killing, but also from getting more health.
The video referenced where we used Demon to hit wave 1000 that also explains a lot more on how to setup the run: • How I got the #2 World Record in Brotato
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