Slim’s Journey
Shutting the comments off now because some of these angry Karens cant get over the fact that I put on a few pounds in the last year🤣 Cry about it to your therapist lol.
Had to update since this video has been seen more than I thought it would.
1) I made this video for the new family as well as those who donated supplies to help Slim. I did NOT accept ANY monetary donations and will continue to do so on the next rescue horse. I do this because I love doing it. I love helping animals. If I did it for monetary gain, I wouldn’t be doing it. I’ve spent over $7,000 fixing this horse and I would do it all over again because it makes me feel good to see a horse happy.
2) Stupid comments telling me how to ride and how the horse is going to be abused again will be deleted immediately. How messed up in the head are you to comment something like that on a video where I very clearly care about this animal? You’ve got issues if you think I’d let this horse go to just anyone. So keep it to yourself :) And if you’re not smart enough to read this before you comment, maybe you should get off social media.
3) Any comments about me being fat will be reported. This is literally the last thing I thought I’d be saying🤣 If you hate the fact that we rehabilitated a horse THAT MUCH to comment something hurtful to me like that, you’re part of the problem. Full grown men MUCH heavier than me ride horses. I am so sorry my health issues offend you that much that you couldn’t keep your rodent sized attention span on the purpose of this video. (It was not made for your viewing pleasure anyways, it’s for the new owner, good people who like seeing an animal recover, and the kind people who helped out! Ifyou don’t like it, I’m sorry but that’s not my problem, is it?)
Thank you SO SO much to everyone who helped in the process of rescuing this incredible, kind horse from death’s door. It’s been a long and worrisome journey, but this boy has recovered quickly and has pushed through to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Slim now belongs to some AMAZING people that adopted him to be the family horse! He adores them and will live out the rest of his beautiful life being loved, ridden and FED!
I am speechless about this whole journey. Horses like this one do not come around often, and when you meet one like him, it rekindles a feeling you get as a kid, when your whole room is decorated with horses, you spend your days drawing horses, and you count down the days until you can see one again. And then you realize this is why you do this. The feeling of seeing a family get their first horse is the happiest thing I’ve experienced and I’m not only honored to be a part of Slim’s journey, but a part of theirs as well.
Pouring one less bucket of feed tonight was a bitter sweet feeling, but I just couldn’t be happier or more grateful right no