
I Hired 5 Radiants to Prank My Friends

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I hired five different Radiant Valorant players to play a custom game against my friends. But I told my friends that the team we were facing was diamond so the Radiants were a secret. I used the Radiants to kill my friends and let me get free kills, making it seem like I was really good but in fact I am terrible.

Thanks so much to Tapin.gg
use this link if you want to try Tapin.gg out and also support them supporting creators.

Speaking of creators, all the people on my team who were featured in this video are creators! Check them out here:

JOIN MY DISCORD: discord.gg/zammey
if that link doesn't work try this: discord.gg/5zTPmVbvR5
Music in this video: the pastebin will be ready in a bit
