
KANON - 『My Favorite Vocaloid Song Medley Ⅱ』を元の曲で再現してみた。

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Original songs composed by: M.Iz, シグナルP, yanagiP, OzaShin, のぼる↑, 蝶々P, mikuru396, 19's Sound Factory, OSTER project, cosMo@暴走P, ピノキオピー, hinayukki, 164, 40mP, niki, ジミーサムP, doriko, baker, halyosy, ナノウ, 椎名もた, EZFG, North-T, kemu, kz, cokesi, ラマーズP, PolyphonicBranch, じん, samfree, Last Note., minato, sasakure.UK, くちばしP, トーマ, 黒うさP, のりぴー, ゆうゆ, wowaka, さつき が てんこもり, ハチ, koma'n, seleP, トラボルタ, めざめP, malo, DECO*27, ika, デッドボールP, ryo, アゴアニキ
Original medley composed by: M.Iz
Vocal version created by: KANON
Link (not working): www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19213961
Release date: October 27, 2012

This is a remake of "My Favorite Vocaloid Song Medley Ⅱ" which replaces all the song arranges with their original versions. I don't own this medley or any song featured in it, I just uploaded it here because it was deleted off of both Youtube and Nicovideo, and I wanted a version to be accessible that wasn't just the UTAU versions you see everywhere for some reason.
