
Oh Lord, Shift The Wind In My Favour | Prophetic Prayer Hour | Rev. Sam Oye [DAY 1431]

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Your Struggle Is Over... The Lord Has Just Shift The Wind In Your Favour This New Week!

This is the year for you to have the supernatural and abundant life of God - ZOE!

Join Thousands Of Praying People ONLINE DAILY (6am WAT) LIVE On This YOUTUBE CHANNEL For The PROPHETIC PRAYER HOUR With Rev. Dr. Sam Oye.

Rev Dr Sam Oye is the Founder and Lead Pastor of The Transforming Church. He has the mandate to take the message of hope around the globe. His unique style of delivery makes him relevant today. He is highly favored.

He is the Host of the global PROPHETIC PRAYER HOUR where thousands of praying people gather to seek and encounter God daily (6am WAT) on this YouTube Channel. Testimonies keep coming daily from different countries to the glory of God. You are the next to Testify.

He is also an internationally certified leadership and relationship coach.

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