
Tears In Heaven - Eric Clapton (Boyce Avenue acoustic cover) on Spotify & Apple

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Spotify: smarturl.it/TIHSpotify
Apple: smarturl.it/TIHApple
iTunes: smarturl.it/TIHiTunesBA
Google: smarturl.it/TIHGoogle
Amazon: smarturl.it/TIHAmazonBA

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Acoustic Covers:    • You're Beautiful - James Blunt (Boyce...  
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Boyce Avenue:
Alejandro Manzano (Lead Vocals, Guitar, Piano): instagram.com/alejandroluismanzano
Fabian Manzano (Background Vocals, Guitar): instagram.com/fabianmanzano
Daniel Manzano (Background Vocals, Bass, Percussion): instagram.com/danielmanzano

Instagram: instagram.com/boyceavenue
Facebook: facebook.com/boyceavenue
Twitter: twitter.com/boyceavenue
Website: boyceavenue.com/

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Alejandro Manzano of Boyce Avenue performing "Tears In Heaven" by Eric Clapton
#BoyceAvenue #TearsInHeaven #EricClapton

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Audio & Video Produced by Boyce Avenue
Engineered, Mixed & Mastered by Adam Barber
Video by Durango Films & 3 Peace Productio
