
Sachha Prem | Satranga God's Version | Zendria

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Hare krishna 🙏🏻 I heard this Satranga's version 🦚 on Instagram a month ago and thought about creating a full version as it sounded awesome ❤️.
So here's my try on this beautiful song with these extended beautiful lyrics I wrote a while ago.
Hope you love it as much as I do :)
#satranga #krishna #ram #shiv #bhakti

Original credit of the idea : @iamsingernikhilverma

tuned down to 1st fret

sun lo kahani .... pyaari
naram tabiyat... paani
Cadd9 D
Gopiyan ghabraye.. anarth hai re
Em C
Maa radha ........liye
D7 G
Are jana nark ...... kya re
Em C
Mein leloon..........dhaal re
