Vastu, किचन का कलर, माइका, दिशा, टाइलें, पत्थर, होब, स्लैब, Vastu Tips For Kitchen, Vastu Se Kitchen
Vastu Shastra, किचन के अंदर का सारा ताम-झाम कैसा? एक ही वीडियो में, किचन का कलर, माइका, दिशा, टाइलें, पत्थर, होब, स्लैब - अब बचा ही क्या? Vastu Se Kitchen Me Gas Kahan Rakhe? Answer is East. Avoid glossy mica in kitchen. Wood is the best material for kitchen. No plastic laminates in kitchen. No black or blue paints opr interior in kitchen. Water sink to be in north on L shaped slab. No black stone on kitchen slab. Now questions like Can I Make My Kitchen In West? No. Important Points Of Kitchen The southeast and northwest directions are considered the best for kitchens, as they align with the natural energies. The southeast is ruled by the element of fire, making it the ideal place to position cooking appliances. In fact, Vastu Se Kitchen Me Gas Kahan Rakhe is a key principle emphasizing that the stove or gas burner should be placed in the southeast. If you're wondering, "Can I Make My Kitchen In West?", it's advisable to avoid this direction for the stove, though the northwest is still a favorable option for kitchen setup.
The northeast or southwest are two of the most negative directions when it comes to placing water elements or the stove. The water element, symbolized by the sink, should never be placed in the southwest, as Vastu Anusaar Rasoi Me Pani Kis Disha Me dictates that the northeast is an unfavorable direction for any water-related activity. Kitchens designed in the northeast can disturb the harmony of the household, so North-East Kitchen Vastu Remedies should be considered to balance this misalignment. When planning the Best Vastu Kitchen Designs, it's essential to consider not only direction but also colors. Best Colours In Kitchen are crucial for maintaining the flow of positive energy. The color palette should include soft shades of yellow, orange, or green, which promote warmth and prosperity. The Best Color For Cabinets In A Small Kitchen could include lighter shades that create an airy and spacious feel. When it comes to Kitchen Me Mica Kis Colour Ka, a lighter mica color is recommended to enhance the energy flow. Similarly, the Best Interior Of Kitchen As Per Vastu should avoid clutter and focus on creating a harmonious space where every element has its place. When following Important Points Of Kitchen Vastu, positioning the stove in the southeast, aligning the sink in the northwest, and using proper color schemes will optimize the kitchen's functionality and energy. These Vastu Tips For Kitchen help in ensuring the kitchen remains a source of nourishment and positivity for the entire household. Therefore, paying attention to these Kitchen Vastu Tips In Hindi can make a significant difference in creating an environment that supports health and well-being. Remember, Best Direction For Kitchen remains the southeast or northwest, and any kitchen built in the northeast or southwest should be corrected with appropriate remedies for a balanced home environment. The Ideal Directions for a Kitchen. The most auspicious directions for a kitchen, according to Vastu, are the southeast and northwest. These directions are associated with the elements of fire and earth, respectively, which are considered beneficial for cooking and nourishment. Southeast: This direction is ruled by the fire element, which is essential for cooking. Locating the kitchen in the southeast is believed to enhance prosperity, wealth, and vitality. orthwest: This direction is governed by the earth element, which represents stability and grounding. Placing the kitchen in the northwest is thought to promote harmony.
#वास्तुसेकिचनमेंगैसकहाँरखें #CanIMakeMyKitchenInWest #ImportantPointsOfKitchenVastu #VastuSeKitchenMeGasKahanRakhe #BestVastuKitchenDesigns #ColoursInKitchenAsPerVastu #VastuSeKitchenMeGasKahanRakhe #VastuAnusaarRasoiMePaniKisDishaMe #KitchenVastuTipsInHindi #KitchenMeMicaKisColourKa #BestDirectionForKitchen #VastuTipsForKitchen #BestInteriorOfKitchenAsPerVastu #North-EastKitchenVastuRemedies #BestColoursInKitchen #BestColorForCabinetsInASmallKitchen
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