YOU HAVE DONE IT IN THE PAST - Powerful Motivational Speech Video
This powerful motivational speech by Outcast Motivation is for those who have been at the lowest point in their lives and are looking for something better. Watch this and get inspired to go out and conquer your day!
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Yahshua Willis
Yahshua is a sought after Motivational speaker, Voice Actor, Youth and Parent Coach. He is the founder and CEO of Kingdom Of YAH Manufactories LLC.
►Follow Yahshua Willis:
YouTube: / @koym2023
Instagram: bit.ly/3TQ52l6
Facebook: bit.ly/48KL3bO
Book Yahshua to speak at your event: bit.ly/3RMVHb9
Yahshua’s New Single coming Ask God Part 1: bit.ly/48mQKwJ
Freddy Fri
Freddy Fri, based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is a unique motivational speaker who combines elements of hip hop with motivational speaking, a blend he refers to as "Hip Hop motivation." He is known for encouraging individuals to "win the day" as a means to achieving success in life.
►Follow Freddy Fri:
YouTube: / @freddyfrimotivation
Instagram: www.instagram.com/freddyfrimotivation/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FredWins/
X (Twitter):twitter.com/freddymotivates
Book Freddy to speak at your event: www.freddyfri.com/hire-me
Corey Jones
Corey is a sought after Motivational speaker, voice over artist, and 3x author. He has been featured and interviewed nationwide by CBS News, NBC, Fox, and many others.
►Follow Corey Jones:
YouTube: / @coreydjones
Instagram: www.instagram.com/iamcoreydjones/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/corey.jones.102
X (Twitter): twitter.com/Cdjones25Corey
Book Corey to speak at your event: coreydjones.com/
Eddie “Truck” Gordon
Eddie "Truck" Gordon is renowned as a New York Emmy Award-winning celebrity, a champion of UFC's Ultimate Fighter, a motivational speaker, and a life coach. He specializes in inspiring and guiding corporations, including Fortune 500 companies, as well as influential thinkers, in leadership and personal growth. Additionally, Eddie established the Eddie Truck Gordon Foundation, which is dedicated to supporting disadvantaged youth in achieving successful lives and combating drug abuse.
►Follow Eddie “Truck” Gordon:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/truckgordon
Facebook: www.facebook.com/1532585747031798
Get a free consultation from Eddie: calendly.com/truckgordon/15min?month=2024-01
Book Eddie to speak at your event: eddietruckgordon.com/
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Instagram: www.instagram.com/outcastmotivation/
Website: outcastmotivation.com/
Music licensed through Artlist and Persona Music.
▶︎ Video Footage: All video footage is licensed through Filmpac, Storyblocks, and Artgrid.
#outcastmotivation #motivation #inspiration