Poplove Gaming
How To Play Zoodiac Tri Brigade In Master Duel!! This Is The BEST Meta Deck!!

Learn how to get to Platinum 1 in Yu Gi Oh Master Duel with the best Zoodiac Tri Brigade meta deck that can't be stopped. This is the best deck in the game at the moment and the king of the meta, you'll definitely want to know how it plays.

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And if you need help understanding the best Zoodiac Tri Brigade combos, check out my guides below.

Easy Combos:


Advanced Combos:


Updated Deck:


Deck List

3x Maxx C
3x Ash Blossom
3x Tri Brigade Nervall
2x Tri Brigade Kerass
3x Tri Brigade Kitt
3x Tri Brigade Fraktall
2x Nibiru
2x PSY Framegear Gamme
1x PSY Frame Driver
1x Zoodiac Whiptail
1x Zoodiac Ramram
1x Zoodiac Thoroughblade
1x Harpie's Feather Duster
3x Pot Of Desires
2x Lightning Storm
3x Fire Formation - Tenki
2x Called By The Grave
3x Infinite Impermenance
2x Tri Brigade Revolt

Extra Deck

Zoodiac Tigermortar
Zoodiac Drident
Zoodiac Boarbow
Zoodiac Chakanine
Divine Arsenal AA Zeus Sky Thunder
Salamangreat Almiraj
Ancient Warriors Oath - Double Dragon Lords
Tri Brigade Ferrijit the Barren Blossom
Tri Brigade Bearbrumm The Rampant Ranger
Hraesvelgr, The Desperate Doom Eagle
Tri Brigade Rugal The Silver Sheller
Apollousa, Bow Of The Goddess
Accesscode Talker
2x Tri Brigade Shuraig The Ominous Omen

00:00 GOAT Intro
00:48 Deck Breakdown - Important!
21:03 Apollo Revolt Opener
27:00 How To OTK
29:25 How To Beat Eldlich
36:16 Galaxy Brain Zeus
39:37 Drytron and Eldlich
42:32 Budget Options

#yugioh #masterduel #yugiohmasterduel
