The Snowflake Stored Procedure allows you to include nested or anonymous blocks within the body of your stored procedure. In certain situations, you may declare a variable with a different or identical name. It's crucial to grasp how variable scope and visibility operate when dealing with nested or deeply nested blocks. This tutorial and hands-on guide will help you comprehend the workings of nested blocks and variable visibility in Snowflake.
Upon completing the "Variable Scope & Visibility In Nested Block" chapter, you'll be ready to answer the following questions:
1. How can nested blocks or deep nested blocks be defined in a Snowflake stored procedure?
2. What is the mechanism behind variable scoping and visibility in a nested block within a Snowflake stored procedure?
3. Is it permissible to define a variable with the same name as the stored procedure parameter?
4. Can a variable be defined with the same name as a global variable within a stored procedure?
5. If a variable is not visible to the outer block, does the stored procedure throw an error during compilation or execution?
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🚀🚀 Chapters
➥ 00:00 Introduction
➥ 01:20 Scope of the video
➥ 01:53 Welcome Note
➥ 03:11 Outer & Inner Block Definition
➥ 07:28 Scenario-01 Duplicate Variable Names
➥ 08:17 Scenario-01 Duplicate Variable With Parameters
➥ 12:22 Thank You Note
🚀🚀 Snowflake Stored Procedure Playlist
• Snowflake SQL Scripting For Stored Pr...
✏ Ch-01 Snowflake Scripting For Stored Procedure Introduction • Complete Snowflake SQL Scripting For ...
✏ Ch-02 Stored Procedures Are Anti-Pattern • Snowflake Stored Procedures Are Anti-...
✏ Ch-03 Snowflake Scripting Block Structure • Snowflake Scripting Block Structure F...
✏ Ch-04 How To Declare Variable • Snowflake Scripting - How To Declare ...
✏ Ch-05 Declare & Define Local Variables • Snowflake SQL Scripting - Work With L...
✏ Ch-06 How To Use Variables • Snowflake SQL Scripting - How To Use ...
✏ Ch-07 Multiple Variable Assignment • Snowflake Scripting - Assign Multiple...
✏ Ch-08 Variable Visibility in nested block • Stored Procedure - Variable Scope & V... …
✏ Ch-09 Return Value/Expression/Table From Stored Proc • Stored Procedure - How To RETURN A Va...
✏ Ch-10 IF ELSEIF ELSE IF-END • Exploring IF-ELSE Conditional Logic i...
✏ Ch-11 CASE/WHEN Conditional Logic • How To Use CASE/WHEN Conditional Logi...
✏ Ch-12 FOR Loop • Working With FOR Loops | Snowflake Sc...
✏ Ch-13 WHILE Loop • Working With WHILE Loop | Snowflake S...
✏ Ch-14 REPEAT Loop • Working With REPEAT Loop | Snowflake ...
✏ Ch-15 Work With CURSOR Object • Working With CURSOR Object | Snowflak...
✏ Ch-16 Param Binding & CURSOR Object • Working With CURSOR Object | Snowflak...
✏ Ch-17 Work With RESULTSET Object • Working With CURSOR Object | Snowflak...
✏ Ch-18 Exception Handling In Stored Procedure • Complete Exception Handling Guide | S...
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