What Is Crohn's Disease And How Is It Treated?

00:00 - Intro to Crohn's Disease
00:08 - What is Crohn's Disease?
00:30 - Crohn's Disease risk factors
00:44 - Symptoms of Crohn's Disease
01:00 - Early signs of Crohn's Disease
01:20 - Moderate to severe Crohn's Disease
01:43 - Severe Crohn's Disease
02:09 - Diagnosing Crohn's Disease
02:34 - Treatments for Crohn's Disease

Crohn’s disease affects your GI tract, leading to symptoms such as diarrhea and bloody stool. Dietary changes and medications can help you manage some symptoms. However, most people will eventually need surgery.

Healthline content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice. See a licensed medical professional for diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Opinions expressed in this video may not reflect those of Healthline Media.

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