입 안 가득 과즙 폭발 🍒 과일 타르트 먹방 ASMR MUKBANG 디저트ㅣ초콜릿 딸기 블루베리 귤ㅣDESSERT FRUIT TARTS CAKE

😋 Instagram: cosy_mukbang

Hello Friends~! This is Cosy.🤗
I am trying to upload a new video every Monday and Thursday night between 8:45 and 9:00pm.^_^

Today, I prepared fresh and delicious fruit tarts.
I found this place thanks to your recommendations!!!
So I just visited without any information, and it turned out to be an amazing place...
Even the fruit tarts are a lot of work, nevertheless, the chef prepares the food as soon as the order is placed for taste and freshness.
Thanks to you, there was a bit of a wait, but I was happy.
I really like the time waiting for food to be prepared.
It's a great place to make your order right away. (not advertising)

Thank you so much for watching my video.
To make better videos, I will always do my best~🧡

*****Menu & Price*****
:: Ugly Bakery
:: 1253 tarts
Strawberry Tart: $7 / Tangerine Tart: $4.5 / Green Grape Tart: $4.5 /
Cherry Tart: $6 / Blueberry Tart: $5.5 / Ganache Tart: $4 / Kiwi Tart: $4.5 .

Song : 이혜린 - Tongtong
자료출처 : gongu.copyright.or.kr/
Music promoted by DayDreamSound :    • Video  
CC-BY 3.0 goo.gl/Y8U8b9
Song : ANΩ - Ooh
Contact : mi6104303@gmail.com
Music Download Link [DayDreamSound] :    • Video  
