
దీపావళి లక్ష్మీ పూజ 20 min లో చేసుకొనే విధానం| Diwali Lakshmi Puja in 20 min Demo | Nanduri Srivani

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Happy Diwali (Deepavali) to you all.
Here is a quick demo of Lakshmi Puja to be done on the evening of Deepavali (6 PM Onwards). If you cannot chant these mantras, just play this video and do Puja on your own

Puja PDF (In Telugu & English) can be downloaded from here:
This channel is created by Kumari Nanduri Srivani (Daughter of Sri Nanduri Srinivas garu)
Nanduri Srinivas garu has a motto that every individual irrespective of their caste , creed, gender, age should be able to do Pujas at home very easily on their own. Hence we have created this channel

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