Inside Physical Therapy | PT Visit, and Eating for Recovery Vlog
In this vlog, we get updates with recovery from quad surgery inside what physical therapy looks like 1-1.5 months out as well as sharing how I've been eating for recovery.
At the end, we've got a bit of a teaser for Figs' next drop ;)
Disclaimer, if you're in a similar situation with regards to injury, please know this is MY journey. If your journey looks different than mine, thats ok! We're different people. Don't worry about the differences-only worry about the things you can control: you!
My Gear:
Camera - Sony ZV-E10 amzn.to/3ZIPmBe
Lens - Sony 4/10-20 amzn.to/3rDjQYG
Microphone - Rode NT-USB amzn.to/3tmjoPd
Wireless Microphone - Rode Wireless Go II amzn.to/3F2wKCI
Follow me on my socials!
Instagram: instagram.com/dr.mike_md
TikTok: tiktok.com/dr.mike_md
Twitter: twitter.com/drmikeherring
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As always, thanks for watching!
Views are my own.
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