
China S***s on India - Scrapes the Bottom of the Barrel - Episode #160

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We can't believe China thought the world would fall for this. Struggling to make chips and CPUs, they ended up faking the whole thing. It's both sad, and hilarious.

Support the show here and see the Monday Exclusive show Xiaban Hou! - www.patreon.com/advpodcasts

*Conquering China Box Set* - vimeo.com/ondemand/conqueringchinaboxset

Laowhy86 - Why Would HE Do This? - China's Dumbest Nationalist -    • China's Fatal Weapon Abroad  
SerpentZA - Executed for Sleeping Around -   • Executed for Sleeping Around in China  

China Fact Chasers - Please subscribe! youtube.com/c/ChinaFactChasers

Support the show here and see the Monday Exclusive show Xiaban Hou! - www.patreon.com/advpodcasts

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SerpentZA: www.patreon.com/serpentza
C-Milk: www.patreon.com/laowhy86

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Tune in, hop on, and stay awesome!

Cartoon feat. Jüri Pootsmann - I Remember U
Track : Cartoon feat. Jüri Pootsmann - I Remember U
