
PS5 Secured

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Should you buy your boyfriend or husband Sony's Playstation 5? In short yes. Find out why after the jump

Sony's new home console system is coming out on November 18th, and it's likely you've been seeing a ton of memes about men looking to their women to make this purchase on their behalf. It's also likely you've thought to yourself... why is this a thing?

Well it's not just because the PS5 has amazing hardware or games like Spiderman with Miles Morales, Resident Evil 8 or of course eventually new versions of God of War, Madden, and 2K. It's not just cause brothas don't have 500 laying around, and it's not just another silly meme...well it is, but if you dig deeper, you see some other things at play.

In this episode of lightwork, Fiq the Signifier goes deeper than necessary to explain the themes behind #PS5secured
